How do I prepare for my kitchen remodel?

Preparing for Your Kitchen Remodel: A Comprehensive Guide

Once you have done the research and made the commitment on who will be a good fit to guide you through your kitchen remodel. Now comes preparing for having everyone into your home.

Making improvements is an exciting event, but soon you will probably feel like you cannot wait to have the project done and the crews gone.

Before the Project Starts

Reread the Scope of Work: Clarify any questions or details.
Plan Crew Access: Decide how the crew will enter your home.
Clear the Area: Remove personal items and food from cabinets.

During the Project

  • Coordinate Deliveries: Schedule deliveries to avoid project delays.
  • Make Early Selections: Choose materials early to ensure timely orders.
  • Inspect Deliveries: Verify that delivered items match your order.
  • Avoid Big Box Stores: They may lack sufficient stock or have quality issues.
  • Keep Children and Pets Safe: Ensure they stay out of the workspace.

Making Changes

  • Plan Changes in Advance: Late changes can disrupt the project flow.

Safety Precautions

  • Don’t Use Fixtures Prematurely: Avoid plumbing issues by waiting for the team’s approval.

Final Steps

  • Punch List: Compile a list of remaining tasks towards the project’s end.

Checklist for who to prepare for a kitchen remodel

  1. Reread the scope of work
  2. Plan for crew access
  3. Clean out the work area
  4. Coordinate where deliveries will be placed
  5. Make selections early
  6. Check items delivered
  7. Avoid big box stores
  8. Ensure safety of children and pets
  9. Don’t use fixtures prematurleys
  10. Prepare a punch list

Understanding Remodeling Challenges

Remodeling is not the same as new construction. Sometimes problems or items that can not control such as existing conditions, floor framing, walls etc.. will be found

Existing Conditions: Be aware that remodeling may reveal issues with your home’s structure.
Finish Quality: Matching old and new work may not look like new construction

By following these steps and maintaining open communication with our team, you can enjoy a successful and satisfying kitchen remodel. For more information, contact Almar at 781-826-2577 or visit our website.

Craig Guido

With 20 years of remodeling experience both in the field and working in collaboration with homeowners to develop remodeling projects designed to fit your lifestyle.