Should I Consider a Standby Generator?

 The Advantages to consider

While New England seems to have been spared the worse of the weather troubles this year. In recent years we have seen more and more power outages caused by storms of all kind. Our team feels that standby generators are something you should consider as part of your addition or remodel. A standby generator can give you immense peace of mind. You will know whether you are home or away that your home will have power no matter what.

Stand By Generator

Home standby generators are largely worry-free. They are installed on the outside of your home, so no need to worry about it taking up space inside your home. Stand by generators are equipped with an ATS or automatic transfer system that senses when the electricity goes on and automatically starts running your home on your generators power. These generators can power your entire home for days to weeks.

Generator Inlet Plug

In-Let Plug Option
Or, if a full standby generator is out of the currently budget, you could also consider a generator inlet plug so you can manually plug a portable generator in and power some of your most important things.

Peace of Mind
Because making an investment for your homes safety and peace of mind is one we always feel is worth the money, then a standby generator can be a great investment. If you work from home, something many individuals do especially now. You will never have to worry about power outages effecting your work again. They will also spare you the hassle of your food spoiling in the event of a longer power outage. Consequently, you can rest assured that your family and home is safe from extreme cold or heat.

Our team at Almar hope this helped you understand the process of making selections and helped you feel more at informed about your remodel. You can contact us: (781-826-2577) and watch our videos:

Allison Guido

Almar's CEO has over 20 years of experience in the remodeling industry. She is constantly learning and looking for ways to improve our homeowners' remodeling process and experience. Her mission is to break the Contractor Stereo Type and provide a great product at a good price for our homeowners.