Team Cookout, Cornhole, and AZEK Cable Rail Demo

At Almar Building & Remodeling, we believe in fostering strong team connections and keeping up with the latest industry innovations. Recently, we organized an exciting team cookout and cornhole tournament that brought our staff together for a day of camaraderie and fun. But that’s not all! We were fortunate to have Sydney Speaks, our local AZEK representative, join us to demonstrate the installation of AZEK cable rail. Read on to learn more about this memorable event and congratulate Tyler on his 5 year anniversary with Almar! Nolan walked away with a Solo Fire Pit as a prize!

Cookout and Cornhole Tournament

We kicked off the day with a sizzling cookout, firing up the grill and serving mouthwatering burgers, hot dogs, and grilled veggie burgers. Our team members bonded over delicious food, sharing stories, and strengthening their relationships. Laughter filled the air as we engaged in friendly competition on the cornhole boards, showcasing our skills and aiming for that perfect toss!

AZEK Cable Rail Installation Demo by Sydney Speaks

Adding to the excitement of the day, we were honored to have Sydney Speaks, a knowledgeable representative from AZEK, present a live demonstration on cable rail installation. Sydney guided us through the process, highlighting the benefits and unique features of AZEK cable rail systems. Her expertise and insights truly enlightened our team, inspiring us to explore innovative solutions for our clients’ railing needs. Sydney’s demonstration provided a valuable learning experience for everyone involved.

Link: AZEK Cable Rail

Celebrating Tyler’s 5-Year Anniversary and Nolan’s Solo Fire Pit Prize!

We are thrilled to honor Tyler for his remarkable milestone as he marks his 5-year anniversary with our company. Throughout the years, Tyler’s dedication and contributions have played a vital role in our success. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to Tyler for his commitment and hard work!

In addition to celebrating Tyler, we also want to recognize Nolan for his outstanding performance and commitment to excellenceNolan’s coworkers nominated him for his exceptional work, and he won a fabulous Solo Fire Pit prize through a random selection process. This well-deserved prize will be a fantastic addition to Nolan’s outdoor living space. Our congratulations to Nolan on being selected as the lucky winner!

Here’s to many more years of success, milestones, and moments of celebration within our team!

Team Building

Our team cookout and cornhole tournament, coupled with the AZEK cable rail installation demonstration by Sydney Speaks, was a remarkable day. We cherish the opportunities to come together as a team. Build strong connections, and keeping ourselves updated with the latest industry trends. Thank you to Sydney Speaks for her valuable insights and the AZEK team for their innovative railing systems. Until our next event, we look forward to continuing our commitment to exceptional craftsmanship and customer satisfaction.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and projects from Almar Building & Remodeling!

Allison Guido

Almar's CEO has over 20 years of experience in the remodeling industry. She is constantly learning and looking for ways to improve our homeowners' remodeling process and experience. Her mission is to break the Contractor Stereo Type and provide a great product at a good price for our homeowners.