What is the best way to make selections for my project?

Ready to personalize your home?

If you are ready to get the remodeling plan started then selecting finishes and fixtures is a key step in remodeling, and we’re here to guide you.

What are selections?

These are the individual products you choose, from faucets and tiles to carpets and appliances.

Choosing before the contract? While it’s ideal, we understand most people finalize preferences later. To keep things moving, allowances are provided in your contract for these undecided items.

Almar’s flexible process

Choosing before the contract. While it’s ideal, we understand most people finalize preferences later. To keep things moving, allowances are provided in your contract for these undecided items.

After-contract selections: If you prefer to choose later, you’ll have: Allowance-based pricing: Your contract includes a set amount for each item category. Choosing a more expensive option incurs an additional charge, while selecting a less expensive one results in a credit.

Online portal approval: See all your choices clearly listed with pictures, model numbers, and prices. Simply approve or decline each item directly within your secure online portal.

Team Support

  • Recommended vendors: Almar will connect you with trusted partners known for quality, ease of collaboration, and minimal product issues.
  • Transparent online portal: View pictures, specs, and prices for all options, simplifying your decision-making.
  • Expert guidance: Our team is always available to answer questions and offer advice.

Make Selections Early

  • Lead times: Some items take longer to arrive. Waiting for a delayed piece can hold up your entire project timeline.
  • Design impact: Certain choices, like appliance sizes, affect layout and cabinetry. Selecting early ensures everything fits perfectly and avoids design changes later.
  • Decision fatigue: Making numerous choices under pressure can lead to regrets. Finalizing selections early reduces stress and ensures they reflect your true preferences.
  • Help: We have a networking of designers who can step in and help with the selection process, just let us know.

Our team is always here to help and guide you thru the process, and if you need additional help we can connect you with a great interior designer to help walk you thru this specific portion of the remodeling experience.

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updated 2.5.2024

Craig Guido

With 20 years of remodeling experience both in the field and working in collaboration with homeowners to develop remodeling projects designed to fit your lifestyle.